zebra crossing - traducción al italiano
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zebra crossing - traducción al italiano

Zebra Crossing; Tiger crossing
  • A zebra crossing with [[Belisha beacon]]s in Abbey Road, London. This crossing was featured on the cover of the album ''[[Abbey Road]]'' by [[The Beatles]].
  • The different crosswalk styles used in the US
  • center]] of [[Mexico City]]
  • A raised zebra crossing in a [[school zone]] in [[Marine Parade]], [[Singapore]]
  • Red-and-white zebra crossing in Sofia, Bulgaria

zebra crossing         
n. passaggio pedonale a strisce, passaggio pedonale zebrato, strisce pedonali
n. zebra, zebra crossing
Erez checkpoint         
  • Palestinian workers wait at the Erez Crossing to enter the Gaza Strip, July 2005.
Erez crossing; Erez Border Crossing; Erez border crossing; Erez checkpoint
Blocco di controllo Erez (nel nord della striscia di Gaza)


zebra crossing
(zebra crossings)
In Britain, a zebra crossing is a place on the road that is marked with black and white stripes, where vehicles are supposed to stop so that people can walk across.


Zebra crossing

A zebra crossing (British English) or a marked crosswalk (American English) is a pedestrian crossing marked with white stripes (zebra markings). Normally, pedestrians are afforded precedence over vehicular traffic, although the significance of the markings may vary by jurisdiction. They are known as "zebra" crossings as the stripes resemble the coat of a zebra.

The first zebra crossing was installed in Slough, United Kingdom in 1951 to enhance pedestrian safety at new and already existing crossing points. Since then, zebra markings have been used at crossing points internationally to denote pedestrian crossings. Many have been replaced by various types of signalled crossing due to safety concerns.

Terminology and usage of the markings varies by country. In the UK and other Commonwealth countries, they are usually called zebra crossings, as the stripes resemble the striped coat of a zebra. In the UK, zebra markings are only found at unsignalised, standalone zebra crossings and must be accompanied with upright belisha beacons. In the US, they can be found at any type of crossing.

Ejemplos de pronunciación para zebra crossing
1. slowly across a zebra crossing.
Here Comes The Clown - A Stumble Through Show Business _ Dom Joly _ Talks at Google
2. walking totally normally, waiting by the zebra crossing.
Here Comes The Clown - A Stumble Through Show Business _ Dom Joly _ Talks at Google
3. And it was this snail coming up to a zebra crossing,
Here Comes The Clown - A Stumble Through Show Business _ Dom Joly _ Talks at Google
4. And Ahmedabad got the first child-friendly zebra crossing in the world.
Ejemplos de uso de zebra crossing
1. Meet Eclyse – the ultimate zebra crossing It was more a case of a zebra cross breeding than a zebra crossing when this ‘zorse‘ was born after a tryst between a zebra and a horse.
2. How much would you think it costs to build a zebra crossing?
3. And it has been revealed that the average zebra crossing costs 114,000.
4. It was more a case of a zebra cross breeding than a zebra crossing when this stunning animal was born in a German zoo.
5. "We are bloody good at stopping development on the village green and good at getting a new zebra crossing on the high street.